Blog post 5- Alec Mueller

1. How popular were Clinton and Trump compared to past candidates for president?
They were the first and second least popular nominees compared to past candidates.
2. How much did minor party voting increase from 2012 to 2016?
Stein nearly tripled her support to 1.06 percent from 2012 to 2016 and Johnson more than tripled it to 3.27 percent. Evan McMullin, who basically only ran in Utah, got a larger share of the vote in 2016 than Stein had gotten in 2012. In 2016, the third-party vote made a big difference in the aggregate.
3. How did Clinton's negative attacks on Trump, combined with minor party candidates, end up hurting her?
Instead of voting for Clinton, many voted third party, ultimately hurting her.
4. How did Trump compare to Romney in 2012 among white voters?
Romney had 59% of white votes while Trump had 58%
5. How did Clinton compare to Obama in 2012 among the different groups of nonwhite voters?
She did worse; Clinton had 82% of black men to 87% with Obama, 94% to 96% of black women, 63% to 65% of latino men, 69% to 76% of latino women, and 61% to 66% of other
6. How did college educated voters vote in 2016?
Clinton won college graduates 52 to 42 while losing non graduates 44 to 51. Clinton nearly tied Trump with white college graduates 45 to 58, but she got destroyed with non graduates 29 to 66.
7. What was unusual about the choices of both major parties in the 2016 election?
The unusual choice that both parties made was nominating someone who was already well-known and unpopular by the end of the primary process.
8. What's wrong with attributing Trump's victory to racism?
It is wrong to attribute Trump’s victory to racism because of the fact that Trump got a smaller share of the white vote than the more normal Mitt Romney. Whatever black and Latino voters hadn’t already abandoned the GOP during the Obama era were not driven away by the more radical Trump, who did no worse with these groups than Romney had.

9. What's wrong with assumptions that Clinton was wildly popular among women?
Despite Clinton being able to rally educated white women to her side unlike any democrat before her, she was not broadly more appealing to women than previous Democrats. She actually did worse with noncollege white women than Obama did in 2012.


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