Blog 2.2

1. What news events are being covered by major outlets at the same time as Hurricane Maria?
covered topics include a health care bill that failed to pass, a primary election in Alabama, and a "spat" between the president and sports players.

2. Use the first chart to estimate about how many fewer times Hurricane Maria & Puerto Rico are mentioned online than the hurricanes that hit the mainland US.
Irma and Harvey were mentioned four to five times more online than Maria was!

3. Use the second chart to estimate about how much less time was devoted to  Hurricane Maria & Puerto Rico in TV coverage than the hurricanes that hit the mainland US.
The U.S. hurricanes also had almost four to five times more mentions than the Puerto Rican hurricaanes

4. Which two networks mentioned Hurricane Maria the most?
CNN and BBC.

5. What do some cite as the reason for Puerto Rico being treated differently by the media?
Many observers are speculating that Puerto Rico’s status as a territory is one reason for both the lack of news coverage and delays in the delivery of aid. Another reason is that less than half of Americans are even aware that Puerto Ricans are American citizens.

6.  Given what you know about agenda control by the media, what will the impact of this news coverage be on people's attitudes about the hurricanes?
People will think that the American hurricanes were far more devastating and harmful to our society, and they may think that Maria was only a minor hurricane.

7. Why do you think that the media spends less time covering Hurricane Maria & Puerto Rico?
Because Harvey and Irma happened in the heart of America, while Maria affected an American territory.

8. Why would the National Society of Hispanic Journalists call for more coverage in the media?
So that they could gather more support, aid, and charity.

9. What do they think the impact of more media coverage would be?
Americans would think it was more important to American interest for us to give more aid there.

10. If more people thought Puerto Rico was the most important issue, why might the government respond differently than it has so far?
The government would respond differently because it wants to keep the American people happy, and doing what we feel is important would do that.


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