Blog Post 2.5 Alec Mueller

1. Which two senators does the article single out as being potential obstacles to the passing of the tax
bill & where are they from?
Lisa Murkowski from Alaska, and Susan Collins from Maine.

2. What indications has Murkowski made about how she may vote on this tax bill?
She told Roll Call she would consider voting for the bill if the Senate also passed a bipartisan Obamacare stabilization bill — then walked it back a few hours later. She clarified in a statement she supports a stabilization measure but “one should not assume this is a precondition for my support for the tax bill.” A few days later, she wrote an op-ed for a local newspaper declaring she supported repealing the individual mandate. But then her office said the same day that did not necessarily mean she would support the tax overhaul.

3. What did Republicans add to the bill that would specifically encourage Murkowski to vote for the bill?
the bill contains a big sweetener for Murkowski — a provision that could allow oil drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Natural Refuge. It has been a long-held dream of Alaska politicians for the revenue it would bring to the state.

4. Why would Murkowski be more likely to support the bill if it adds this provision?
It would bring huge amounts of revenue to her constituency in Alaska.

5. Why does Murkowski support "Obamacare" if she is a Republican?
Alaska, one of the states that did expand Medicaid under Obamacare, has seen its uninsured rate fall from 18.9 percent to 11.7 percent under the health care law. While Murkowski is still a Republican, and therefore still has problems with the law, she didn’t want to see those gains reversed. The Republican plans were projected to hit her state, which already has the highest health care costs in the country, particularly hard.

6. How long has drilling in this part of Alaska been banned?
The 19 million-acre refuge, managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, was created in 1960 and remains the largest wildlife refuge in the United States.

7. What benefit do Alaskan citizens get each year from the resources in their state?
Every October, each Alaskan who has been in the state longer than one year gets a check for around $2,200, a dividend from the state’s $61 billion Permanent Fund. The fund is larger than any private foundation, endowment, or union pension trust, and is the largest sovereign wealth fund in the United States.

8. How & why would Murkowski vote if she acts as a "delegate", a "trustee", and a "partisan"?
As a delegate, she would vote in the way that would best benefit her state, as she is a representative of that state and she must cater to their wishes if she hopes to be reelected. As as trustee, she would vote against the bill because she disagrees with it as a person. As a partisan, she would vote for the bill because she is a republican, and republicans favor the bill.


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